Happy Birthday Kansas! Kansas is celebrating its 157th birthday! Here are some interesting facts that make the state of Kansas so great:
Kansas is the wheat capital of the world. Kansas once produced 492.2 million bushels of wheat in 1997- enough to make 35.9 BILLION loaves of bread.
The Kansas flag was adopted in 1927. It was modified in 1961 to add the name of the state at the bottom of the flag.
5 inventions whose inventors were Kansans:
Basketball – James Naismith
Dial Telephone – Almon Brown Strowger
ICEE – Omar Knedlik (owned a Dairy Queen in Coffeyville, KS. His soda machine broke so he froze the drinks in the freezer)
1st patented helicopter – William J. Purvis and Charles A. Wilson
Trapper Keeper – E. Bryant Crutchfield
Here’s to celebrating all the Sunflower state of Kansas has to offer. Happy Kansas Day!